
Mostrando entradas de julio, 2024

Media & news

 Presentation-class News 1:  Link canva:  https://www.canva.com/design/DAGJdIo0di8/JbpBoOVFyZefNKv3nZrjdw/edit?utm_content=DAGJdIo0di8&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link2&utm_source=sharebutton

Catalina´s story

Here I will talk about Catalina's life


 For the purpose of introduction to the course and English practice, I have a prepared a timeline with some important events in my life.

Mind map (School objects)

 Mind map Here is my mind map with different ideas for working on the objectives and essential English skills.

Jobs and Professions

https://www.canva.com/design/DAGIm5B0nag/Z_5khB-CgPvmXwukAWKVEQ/edit?utm_content=DAGIm5B0nag&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link2&utm_source=sharebutton -(OA1)Understand texts read by an adult or in audiovisual format, short and simple, such as: rhymes and chants; songs; stories; dialogues. -(OA4) Listen to oral texts and apply strategies to support comprehension; for example: make predictions; make connections with prior knowledge; relate text to images; focus attention on key words. -(OA10) Reproduce very short and simple chants, rhymes and dialogues to become familiar with the sounds of English. Lesson 1 Listening: Listen and practice about Jobs through a video Understand and apply auditory recognition through didactic activities Lesson 2 Speaking: recognising, remembering and speaking the vocabulary learned Characterising and analysing with videos and rhymes. Video 1  Video 2 https://www.canva.com/design/DAGIiz3w5Rk/iIe6jzqZlm1DxAGJhZUPgg/watch  

Puzzle activity
